Print Materials and Recordings

The Shaw Center owns a vast collection of sheet music, recordings, and printed matter. Cataloging of these items is an ongoing process. The links below are just the tip of the iceberg in terms of our holdings. Check back frequently for updates to this list and to the linked inventories.

Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you want access to any of these items. Do note that access to these items is difficult, and we will require significant lead time to retrieve them for you. We beg your patience!

  • Commercial Recordings
    • The Shaw Center owns over 150,000 commercially recorded LPs, 78s, 45s, cassette tapes, and other formats. The link above is a catalog of a small fraction of these items (currently approximately 3,000 cataloged items). Watch this space for updates.
  • Morgan, Russ — Stock Arrangements and Printed Music
    • This collection complements the Morgan Manuscripts held in Special Collections. Taken together, the manuscripts and the stock arrangements provide a unique chance to study a complete library of a well-known jazz orchestra from the mid-century. 

      The linked file provides you with a browsable and sortable index of the more than 5,000 titles in this collection of stock arrangements.  
  • Sheet Music
    • We currently have 3,441 titles indexed. Many thousands more are to come!